Sunday, March 14, 2010

The majestic rivers of Amazonia

Juruena River
The Juruena River is one of Brazil's most stunning water courses, once running through pristine landscapes and gracing satellite images with its blue water. Now, agriculture has moved heavily into the area, the rains wash mud into its erstwhile clear waters and numerous small dams are being built along it. A sad demise. The photo shows the upper reaches of the river, on the Parecis plateau.

Photo courtesy of Margi Moss/O Eco Amazonia


  1. Obrigada pelo alerta, sobre o amazonas, todos juntos pode ser que façamos algo mais pelo nosso planeta.
    Bem Haja
    E boa semana.

  2. unfortunately there is no turning back on degraded areas, Amazon soil is sand and after deforestation will turn eventually into the great sand desert
