Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brazil Cuts Half New York in Amazon Trees in a Month, And It's a Record Low

Brazil's Environment Minister Carlos Minc

Brazil's Environment minister, Carlos Minc, is celebrating the pace of Brazilian deforestation. The last numbers released by the National Institute of Space Studies (Inpe) this Wednesday, November 4, shows that Brazil in September has downed 400 km² (154 square miles) of trees in the Amazon or the equivalent of a half New York City.

[Photograph by: Roberto Jayme/REUTERS]


  1. These issues are so enormous.... sometimes it is hard to not feel despair- (Even when the news is good, seemingly!)

  2. Oi!!! Vim retribuir a visita... adorei o blog, adoro assuntos relacionados a Amazônia, animais... natureza em geral.
    Fazem 2 anos que estou no Pará, e o contato com a natureza é muito grande, mas com o desmatamento infelizmente também... estão invadindo e destruindo áreas enormes... onde se perde a flora e a fauna... mas o triste que para eles é tudo "tão normal".

  3. Oi Si,

    Meu português é muito ruim. :(

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you will visit again.

    The deforestation in Pará is really sad. It's such a beautiful state. I don't trust that the government will do the right thing.

    Btw, your blog is very nice.

    Best regards,
